Thursday, July 27, 2017

Excited About Work!

The go-getter is almost always excited about their work.  And that’s great!  This is not to be confused with ex-cited work though.  Ex-cited work is defined as any piece of work, generally articles or publications, that was cited by another publication but new facts lead to the original piece of work to be debunked, and therefore, no longer cited by the secondary work (perhaps leading to what is commonly known as a “runaway ex-citing” if that secondary work is cited by a tertiary work, etc).  The go-getter wants their work to be exciting; not ex-cited. 

Monday, July 24, 2017

Use of Backstories

To understand someone's perspective it is sometime's necessary to know their backstory.  In order to help others gain your perspective faster you should have a concise backstory ready to go upon request.  The go-getter always has their backstory at the ready and should feel that it is reasonable to request others to share their backstory in larger groups with absolutely no warning.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Getting the Word Out

The First Amendment of the Constitution protects freedom of speech, press, religion, assembly and petition (something everybody, especially randos on the Mall, knows already).  A blog (such as this one!) is an example of freedom of speech and freedom of press (Obsidian Finance Group v. Crystal Cox). The go-getter has heard that there are eight distinct vehicles that can be used to exercise Freedom of Speech, but can only think of like six.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Meaning of Leadership

Everybody interprets what being a leader means a little differently.  Since every situation is unique what qualifies as good leadership in one place may not suit another.  The go-getter understands that leadership means different things to different people and each interpretation of leadership is usually acceptable.

Friday, July 14, 2017


Being sharp is critical for the aspiring go-getter.  For inspiration of what can happen when one is especially sharp they need not look further than the nearest cheese drawer.  The go-getter knows that being sharp is just one of the many things that cheddar cheese, more recent iPhone cameras, and leaders have in common.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

But...What Is It?

Sure, the go-getter gets it, we all saw that coming.  But it raises a very basic question.  What is it?  The go-getter understand that it's it and that is actually pretty Epic.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Getting It

Some people get it.  Some don't.  The go-getter gets it, obviously.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Prime Day

Today is Prime Day!  Everybody knows that this means Amazon is going to run deals all day.  Most people know that seven and 11 are prime numbers.  Less people realize that Amazon hit the triple crown with 2017 also being a prime number for their Prime Day.  Neat!  The go-getter realizes this but still suspects that you will google this to verify.