Wednesday, October 2, 2019

How's it going? Please.

When waiting in a line, let's say to scan into the gym (gotta out run those problems, call back!), a pretty standard exchange is asking each other how it's going.

Gym Employee: How's it going?
Gym Patron 1: Good, you?
Gym Employee: Good

First of all guys it's going well.  Second of all, the rest of that is fine.  But the below is not okay:

Gym Employee: How's it going?
Gym Patron 1: Good, you?
Gym Employee: Good

Gym Employee: How's it going?
Gym Patron 2: Good, you?
Gym Employee: Good

Gym Patron 2 what are you doing?  You just heard Gym Employee tell Gym Patron 1 they are doing good...even though they are doing well.  Why not get some new information?  The below is a much better exchange:

Gym Employee: How's it going?
Gym Patron 1: Good, you?
Gym Employee: Good

Gym Employee: How's it going?
Go-Getter: It's going pretty well.  Do you think ketchup is an appropriate condiment for a hot dog?
Gym Employee: Good....wait, what?

The go-getter likes to learn new things about people.  They also know that most gym employees don't have strong feelings regarding hot dog condiments.  Most.

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